Studies have been finding more and more the link between nutrition and mental health. It has been coming to the researcher’s attention that compartmentalizing different aspects of a person’s health is only helpful to a certain degree and that the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of health are highly interconnected. Furthermore, there have been increases in cancer occurrences, other physical illnesses, and a mental health crisis. Could there be a connection? Hmmm…

              Here at Koinonia, we work hard to provide the best possible opportunity for our kids to find safety, heal, and grow into well-rounded, whole people. Therapy, special events, groups, and education all play a huge role in this mission – but so do nutrition and exercise! And many of you reading this have probably felt the difference in how much better we feel when we eat well and get moving.

              The good news is that this part of Koinonia’s mission is also Herbalife’s mission. Koinonia Homes for Teens is highly honored that the Casa Herbalife Foundation donated 50,000 dollars. This donation serves the purpose of ensuring that our kids get the highest quality food every day and get to live an active lifestyle. It empowers us in grocery shopping (especially in light of inflation!), extra expenses like gym memberships and workout equipment, and culinary classes to teach our teens how to prepare delicious, healthy meals. Thank you, so much Casa Herbalife. Donations like these are not only immediately beneficial but play a direct role in teaching youth to accept nothing less than the best health that is possible to attain. The goal is that our teens will hold these standards for themselves throughout the rest of their lives. Our mission is vast, and our vision for teens is long-lasting abundance.

But this mission takes a village. It takes joining forces at points of convergence where missions align. Koinonia Homes for Teens is now in the process of rebuilding and gaining momentum once again, like many organizations. As we do this together, we will experience more than the bolstering of individuals or organizations. We will experience stronger connections and a more vibrant community. Teens will get to transition into adulthood in a city and county that is thriving, a public life that provides them every opportunity to keep thriving as a whole person. For momentum to continue, our village needs to continue to take shape. You can easily become a part of this village of people with hearts for flourishing teenagers! Resources are helpful, but it all begins with a relationship. To participate, email We would love to connect!

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